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Jasmine Flower tea,Chinese Herbal Tea Wholesale



***Jasmine flower/Small bud/Topgrade Quality***



***Jasmine flower/Large bud/Topgrade Quality***



***Jasmine Fully flower/Topgrade Quality***



***Jasmine flower Ball/Topgrade Quality***



***Jasmine flower petal/Topgrade Quality***



The jasmine plant was brought to China from Persia before the third century. Before Qing Dynasty, the production of jasmine green tea was a kind of homemade tea. After Qing, especially after the new China, Jasmine green tea went into large scale production stage.
Jasmine blossoms open at night, and release all of their fragrant oils within hours. Jasmine pickers spend the entire day carefully hand plucking only those buds set to bloom that same evening. Rapidly harvesting thousands of buds that are perfectly poised to bloom is a feat of remarkable dexterity and concentration.
Each evening in June, July and August, tea leaves and jasmine blossoms are placed in thin alternating layers in the scenting house. As the day’s fresh jasmine buds unfurl and release their essential oils, the tea absorbs the jasmine essence.


Top 5 Health Benefits Of Jasmine

Note: The medicinal properties of jasmine oil and the plant have not yet been researched in full detail. Here are a few benefits of jasmine to make a note of.

1. Boosts Immunity and Fights Fever

The medicinal uses of jasmine are well-documented. The active compounds found in Jasmine are linalool, benzoic acetate, indole, jasmon, salicylic acid, alkaloids. In natural medicine, jasmine is used to enhance the immunity of the body as well to fight fever.

2. Jasmine Tea Treats Stress

In Chinese medicine, the flowers are brewed to prepare herbal teas. The Jasmine tea is known as sanpin cha in Okinawa, Japan. The tea is known to be useful in the treatment of anxiety, stress, sunstroke, and other infections.

3. Cures Oral Problems

The leaves are used in the treatment of mouth diseases such as tooth pain, infection in gums, etc. Apart from this, it assists in the treatment of headaches, skin rashes, corns on the feet, increasing sperm production, etc.

4. Heals Injuries

It is also used in the treatment of cuts and wounds. The most important use is in the form of aromatherapy, which is used in candles, incense, etc. The fragrance can induce feelings of positivity in human mind. A body massage done with jasmine oil not only lifts your spirits but also gives relief from pains and aches.

5. Good For Cardiovascular Health

If you have cardiovascular problems, consuming a cup of jasmine tea on a regular basis can do good help. The catechins in jasmine are shown to inhibit LDL-oxidation. This is when the “bad” cholesterol (or LDL) in the arteries are inflamed after they are oxidized. This inflammation in the arteries and veins further leads to strokes and heart attacks. However, the catechins in natural jasmine tea hinder the oxidizing process; thus, decreasing the cholesterol and pressure levels.


Side Effects Of Jasmine flower tea

Just like other herbs and plants, even Jasmine comes with side effects. Make a note of the below:

Jasmine Is Not Good, If:

You are pregnant or breastfeeding a baby.
You are suffering from migraines. The strong scents of jasmine can worsen it. It can induce vomiting and nausea.

Jasmine Flower,Chinese Herbal Tea Wholesale

SKU : HT01
PrixÀ partir de 25,00$
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