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Bitter orange/Bigarade orange, Chinese Herbal Tea Wholesale



***Bitter orange/Topgrade Tea/Chinese Traditional Medicine***



***Bitter orange/flower of pomelo***



Bigarade orange, commonly known as bitter orange, is widely used by herbalists for treating several illnesses. The botanical name of bitter orange is Citrus aurantium.
Bitter orange is also known as sour orange, Sevile orange and zhi shi. The bitter orange tree thrives in the tropical climate. Although a native of Asia and Africa, bitter orange trees are also found in the Amazon rain forests, the Mediterranean regions, California and Florida.
The dried peel of the bitter orange fruit are used in herbal medicines. The leaves of this plant also contain medicinal properties. Oil extracted from the bitter orange leaves and flowers are used in herbal medicines and in aromatherapy. Oil extracted from the leaves of the bitter orange tree is known as petitgrain. Essential oil derived from the flowers of this tree is known as neroli.


Benefits of Bitter Orange
Indigestion remedy
Bitter orange is good for the gastrointestinal health. It promotes digestion. Bitter orange is also effective in treating nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea. Dried peels of the bitter orange fruit are consumed to heal heartburn.
To cure digestion problems, you can drink bitter orange tea three times a day. To prepare bitter orange tea, simmer about 2 grams of dry bitter orange peel in a cup of water, for about 10 to 15 minutes. You can also take bitter orange tincture to heal indigestion. However, bitter orange oil should not be taken internally.
Cures skin infection
Bitter orange is used for healing fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and ringworm. You can apply bitter orange oil or bitter orange tea at the site of the infection. However, after applying bitter orange oil, one must stay away from sunlight. Bitter orange oil could cause light sensitivity. Fair skin people are particularly vulnerable to this condition. In rare cases, intake of bitter orange peel could cause light sensitivity.
Promotes weight loss
By increasing the metabolic rate, bitter orange facilitates weight loss. Herbalists combine bitter orange peel with St. John’s wort and caffeine to make herbal weight loss medicine.
Nasal congestion remedy
The dried peel of bitter orange helps to clear nasal congestion.
Insomnia cure
Bitter orange is used as a mild sedative. It reduces anxiety and reduces blood pressure level



Bitter orange/Bigarade orange, Chinese Herbal Tea Wholesale

PrecioDesde 20,00$
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